As an engineering firm for structural design, Werner Sobek develops built structures according to constructive logic, design quality, lightness and transparency and fits them harmoniously into the overall context.
Structural design plays a decisive role in the creation of a building. Where the load-bearing parts of a building stand out, where the construction of a building is visible, it is important to perfectly fit the load-bearing structure into the overall context, to harmonise the construction and the architectural intention.
This requires cross-disciplinary qualifications and interdisciplinary skills as well as a strong knowledge of structural design. The correspondence between function, materiality, form and structural design of component and structure is therefore one of the most important goals of our engineers.
Designing a load-bearing structure means reducing it to the bare minimum, working at the limits of what is physically and technically possible. Minimised structures with large spans and the highest design quality are the result of this approach.
Structural Engineering in All Service Phases
Werner Sobek engineering office works worldwide, in a wide variety of economic and cultural environments, using local standards and taking into account a wide variety of construction processes – always with a view to constructability and cost-effectiveness as well as quality, precision and design fidelity.
Integral cooperation with architects as well as with other specialist planners is an important prerequisite for the success of our work. Werner Sobek provides comprehensive structural design for all types of structures in all service phases.
Our Services at a glace
- Structural engineering (WP 0, 1 – 9)
Special services:
– Waterproofing basement design
– Seismic analysis
– Dynamic analysis
– Fire protection verification
– Demolition design
– Review
– Key details
- Civil engineering structures (WP 0, 1 – 9)
Special services:
– Seismic analysis
– Dynamic analysis
– Demolition design