One Forty West

The “One Forty West” (T-Rex Hybrid Tower) with a total height of 140 m was built in the Senckenberg Quartier in Frankfurt am Main. The solidly constructed building serves a combined use as a hotel and residential building. The hotel use is located in the lower half of the tower on the ground floor to the 15th floor. The upper half (levels 17 to 40) contains flats.  The two areas are separated by a technical floor on the 16th floor.

Hybrid Living on 16 Floors

On the roof area there is a recessed staggered storey that can also be used for technical purposes. In the basements there are large areas with parking spaces for the hotel and flats, in addition there are further storage areas and technical rooms. The underground car park is designed for direct connection to the underground car park for the directly adjacent construction site in a later construction phase.

Cyrus Moser Architekten, Frankfurt am Main (DE)

Planning time
2016 − 2017

Construction time
2016 − 2019

Services by Werner Sobek

  • Structural engineering (WP 1 − 8)
  • Excavation wall engineering
  • Special structures – steel construction

T-Rex Grundstücksentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt am Main (DE)

Faruk Pinjo, Frankfurt am Main (DE)

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