
With the light vortex, the Stuttgart artist rosalie has created a walk-in kinetic light sculpture for the Schauwerk Sindelfingen. The floating object has a total height of fifteen meters and extends through all four floors of the impressive exhibition space. The light vortex consists of technical light fibers, which rosalie has linked into a complex knitted fabric. The light flashes, bundles in the center of the “vortex,” suddenly seems to explode, then runs from the inside to the outside and flows back again.

Whirl of Technical Light Fibers…

Werner Sobek developed a modular plug-in system of aluminum tubes as the support system. This forms the shape of the installation and at the same time allows the light fibers to be attached. The complete installation has a total weight of about 3 tons. In order to nevertheless create the desired floating effect, the sculpture is attached to the roof structure of the former warehouse with more than 120 filigree cable suspensions.

…Supported by Werner Sobek

The Stuttgart-based artist rosalie, born Gudrun Müller in Gemmringen in 1953, died in 2017 at the age of 64. Werner Sobek repeatedly worked closely with rosalie and supported her projects, such as the “Sky Wing” in Nuremberg, the “Kinetic Light Sculpture” in Hamburg, the “Light Vortex” in Sindelfingen or the “Butterfly Mobile” in the Olgäle Hospital in Stuttgart, in addition to the Light Vortex.

rosalie, Stuttgart/Germany

Planning time
2014 − 2015

Construction time
2015 − 2016

Services by Werner Sobek
Structural engineering
Project planning supervision (preliminary and draft planning, execution planning for the supporting construction, installation planning)

SCHAUWERK Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen/Germany

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