Congress on Structural Engineering
From 10 – 11 May 2022, the specialist congress on structural engineering will be held at the Technical Academy in Esslingen. The congress will highlight topics such as new design methods, digital manufacturing processes, new materials as well as aspects of the circular economy and building in existing structures. At the congress, which can be attended on site or online, five of our colleagues from Werner Sobek will be giving a lecture: On 10 May, Prof. Steffen Feirabend on “Digital skills in construction – quo vadis?”, Matteo Brunetti on “Making complexity calculable – The parametric engineering of Kuwait International Airport” and Florian Starz on “Green facades – potential and planning challenges”. In addition, Prof. Lucio Blandini will accompany the panel discussion “Future perspectives in structural engineering” on this day.
On 11 May, Prof. Lucio Blandini will give two keynote lectures on “Construction” and “Construction Façade”, Angelika Schmid will inform about “The shell roof of the new Stuttgart underground railway station – 3D planning and realisation” and Holger Hinz about “The largest ceramic façade in the world – the Wasl-Tower in Dubai supporting structure and façade”. Click here to register.