Die Welt Interview Werner Sobek

Werner Sobek on His 70th Birthday

On his 70th birthday on 16  May 2023, Prof. Werner Sobek can look back on a significant life’s work as a researcher, university lecturer, entrepreneur and sustainability pioneer.

As a young university professor in the early 1990s, Werner Sobek was one of the first to start looking into the fatal effects of construction on our environment. He has made the results of his tireless research available to the public at numerous events and in many publications.

Werner Sobek’s work culminated in the first volume of his trilogy “non nobis” in 2022. This volume is entitled “You have to start with what is”. The second volume of the trilogy will be published in summer 2023 – it deals with the “Boundary Conditions of the Future“. Incidentally, this is also the title of the farewell lecture that Werner Sobek will give at the University of Stuttgart on 25 May 2023.

The farewell lecture marks the end of his activity as an active university lecturer – but in his capacity as a critical mastermind, inspiring speaker, precise author and innovative provider of ideas, he will of course continue to accompany us in the future.

We warmly congratulate our company founder Prof. Werner Sobek and wish him all the best for the coming decade of his life.

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