Albertina Soravia Wing Werner Sobek

Albertina, Winged

In 2001, star architect Hans Hollein designed a striking, cantilevered flying roof for the airspace between the Archduke Albrecht Monument and the new main entrance to the Albertina in Vienna. This “Soravia Wing”, made of anodized aluminium and structurally supervised by Werner Sobek, covers an escalator that leads from Albertinaplatz to the main entrance of the museum. The roof is 53 meters long and up to 12 meters wide.
As part of the comprehensive redesign of the Albertina in Vienna, the main entrance was relocated from Augustinerstrasse to the (higher) front of the building on Augustinerbastei. In order to connect the foyer with the lower Albertinaplatz, a new access situation including escalator and elevator was created.

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