Waldklinik Eisenberg

A Uniquely Sustainable Hospital

The Waldkliniken (“Forest Hospital Clinics”) in the East Thuringian town of Eisenberg, Germany, form part of the largest university orthopaedics centre in Europe along with the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena’s Institute of Orthopaedics on the same site. The facility also ensures the provision of basic and general care to patients throughout the surrounding Saale-Holzland district.

The Waldkliniken aim to power their existing buildings and forthcoming new structures with climate-neutral energy in the near future by increasing their use of renewable energy and implementing intelligent consumption control. In so doing, the Clinics also aspire to become the very first complete hospital facility to comply with the Aktivhaus standard developed by Werner Sobek. Werner Sobek advised the institution on this plan over several years. The options for achieving the intended objectives were investigated in detail as part of a study funded by the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation with resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

We are pleased about the opening of the new building designed by the architectural office Matteo Thun & Partners and another milestone towards a climate-neutral energy supply.

Further project information can be found here.

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