When is a Facade Sustainable?
An energy-efficient facade can significantly reduce CO2 emissions when heating, cooling and lighting interior spaces. But does this alone automatically make a facade sustainable? Our company founder is not the only one to repeatedly point out that a holistic approach to sustainability requires a broader view that goes beyond the operating phase. There are a whole host of aspects to consider here – which is why a well-coordinated team of experts is the best prerequisite for successful planning that takes the entire life cycle into account.

One of these experts is our colleague Baptiste Lach. In his Master’s thesis, he focussed on the question of what needs to be taken into account when determining the carbon footprint of a facade – and how planners can positively influence this ecological footprint. He paid particular attention to geometric parameters and the choice of materials. Of particular interest to us: Baptiste not only analyses what is important, but also shows ways in which a facade can be better designed from a sustainability perspective. We are delighted that he is now contributing his expertise to our team!