Sustainability: More than a Slogan…

The concept of sustainability has long been an integral part of Werner Sobek’s corporate philosophy. Both within the individual planning areas and in interdisciplinary project teams, solutions are created for supporting structures, facades and energy systems that enable less material consumption and lower emissions. But what does the desire for more sustainability actually mean for everyday interaction in the office?

The impetus for sustainable ideas and alternatives for our everyday office life comes primarily from working groups set up for this purpose in Frankfurt and Stuttgart. The results of this process can be seen in many different ways: The vehicle fleet is being converted to electric mobility, printing is only done on recycled paper, and meeting catering is naturally vegetarian or vegan. In addition to water dispensers, oat milk and Fairtrade coffee from organic farming can be found in the kitchens, and company bicycles are encouraged instead of company cars.

Of course, sustainability does not end at the entrance door to the office. For those who want to get a little more involved in their private lives, sustainability tips on the intranet offer valuable everyday help and orientation in the CO2 emissions jungle.

All these measures are, of course, only a first step – but we are pleased to be able to make a small contribution to rethinking our approach to sustainability.

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