Rems Valley Pavilion Comes Back into Bloom
The so-called Fellbach Station was built in the Rems Valley as part of the Intercommunal State Garden Show 2019. It is the result of a collaboration between the Berlin-basaed architectural office Barkow Leibinger and Werner Sobek. The pavilion was part of the joint project “White Stations”, in which 16 municipalities participated. We are pleased that our station will continue to be a wonderful destination for hikers in the middle of the Fellbach vineyards after the State Garden Show.
The plant-covered steel framework stands at the triangle of paths north of the Gewanns Wiflinger on the eastern Kappelberg. The construction measures approx. 10 × 10 m in floor plan and reaches a height of up to 5 m. It consists of spatial control elements, which are connected to each other by invisible pin connections. The regulating elements consist of round tubes; at the corners these elements are bent as loops. This creates the impression that the elements are made of one continuous tube.
A nice article on the project may be found on Archdaily at: https://www.archdaily.com/932036/belvedere-remstal-pavilion-barkow-leibinger