Triple Zero Podcast mit Alexandra Mrzigod Thema Zero Emissions

How Can We Build the City of Tomorrow? Podcast #8 with Alexandra Mrzigod

“Sustainability” is not a classic planning discipline that can be considered on its own – aspects such as resource efficiency, recycleability and user comfort can only be adequately taken into account through an iterative interaction of a wide range of experts. In our company, we have therefore brought together specialists from all our disciplines and locations in the “Triple Zero” task force.

Task-Force Triple Zero – the Platform for Internal Konwledge Transfer

The task force not only serves to specifically address concrete sustainability requirements in our projects. It is also a platform for internal knowledge transfer and the promotion of an interdisciplinary way of thinking. In this way, the foundations for truly sustainable projects are laid at an early stage. Our colleague Alexandra Mrzigod talks about the challenges and potential of her involvement in the task force at the start of our new three-part podcast series. Listen to it at SoundCloud, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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