Radwegbrücke Rosenau Fulda copyright Andreas Keller Altdorf

A Large-Span Ribbon-like Structure in the Landscape

The new Rosenau cycle bridge in Fulda has been completed. The project manager within Werner Sobek AG, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Hoier, who comes from Fulda, emphasised that the bridge construction project in his home town was “particularly close to his heart”. The design for this bridge consists of a large-span, elegantly understated ribbon-like structure with gentle curves that help it nestle into the highly ecologically sensitive floodplains of the surrounding landscape. From the bridge, he says, the riparian zones and waterfowl can be experienced. “To minimise the impact on the ecology, a filigree, resource-saving bridge was designed, whose two foreshore bridges, resting on thin steel supports, overcome the necessary height difference. Only small foundations made of concrete, below the turf, form a minimal intrusion into the floodplain meadow,” Hoier explained. In addition to the design, Werner Sobek is also responsible for the structural and object planning.


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