Semper-Preis Laudatio Werner Sobek

A Built Home with an Unmistakable Signature

Christoph Ingenhoven was awarded the Semper Prize in 2019. Prof. Werner Sobek gave the laudatory speech for the prize-winner, with whom he has been on friendly terms for a long time. He emphasised that Christoph Ingenhoven “has succeeded more than almost anyone else in consistently developing his architectural approach and implementing it in such a way that built homeland emerges in an unmistakable architectural signature.”

In December 2022, the publication of the Saxon Academy of the Arts on the Semper Prize 2019 was published. This beautiful volume naturally also includes Werner Sobek’s speech text. We congratulate Christoph Ingenhoven once again for this beautiful award and look forward to many more joint projects.

With the Semper Prize, the Saxon Academy of the Arts has been honouring architects based in Germany since 2007 for artistic ambition, resource-conserving building and special innovative strength.

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