PTS Workshop Building

A solid construction workshop building is being erected for the new PTS line at Frankfurt Airport (PTS = Passenger Transport System). Werner Sobek was commissioned with the checking engineering including construction supervision as part of the inspection (on behalf of checking engineer Prof. Hans Georg Reinke / Dr.-Ing. Jens U. Neuser).

Structural Inspection: Hall Structure at Frankfurt Airport

The building consists of a five-storey core and a hall supporting structure. The supporting structure under the workshop hall consists of reinforced concrete frames, the roof structure of steel elements.

Spiekermann GmbH, Düsseldorf (DE)

Audit time
2018 – 2023

Construction time
2019 – 2024

Structural engineering
Ingenieurbüro Dr. Binnewies, Hamburg (DE)

Services by Werner Sobek
Checking engineering including construction supervision as part of the inspection (on behalf of checking engineer Prof. Hans Georg Reinke / Dr.-Ing. Jens U. Neuser)

Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, Frankfurt am Main (DE)

Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, Frankfurt am Main (DE)

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